this morning we dyed eggs!!!!!!
they dont do this in france. the family was confused. we had to explain it a lot the other night and they didnt understand for a while. it was funny.
it was quite the adventure trying to find some white eggs. apparently everyone likes their eggs brown. ugh. we would not settle for brown though b/c they would look ugly when dyed.
anyways the little girl in our family, phillipine, was SO excited about it.
katie is the best dye-er. i am very jealous of her skills.
i was pretty upset b/c we didnt have any blue dye. and thats my favorite color. but its all good. while we dyed them, it hailed outside, and then got sunny again. this place is whack.
also, while we were dye-ing, phillipine was humming and she was totally humming a song from shrek and i started to humm with her and we were happy together.
rochelle is a pretty good dye-er too. i guess. im excited to wear my new easter dress tomorrow.
Bonne Fete De Paques!
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