i have the best mom in the entire world. some of our friends from home were in paris for easter and so my mom sent my easter basket to me through them. at church they gave me the bag from mom. I WAS SO HAPPY. she sent an easter basket for rochelle too! it was perfect. and wrapped in colored saran-wrap just like at home. and it had all the right candies in it too, as well as chap stick annnnd bubbles!!! glorious.
and then we got home and went upstairs and found more stuff on our beds! because marie-claire made us little french easter 'baskets' except they were cardboard paper things of tom and jerry [weird] and in france the candy doesnt come from a bunny-- it comes from the bells. but they had chocolate in them too and we were so excited and felt so loved and like we belonged. and then whole extended family was there and all the hot boy grandsons and we hung out with them and talked with them and got to eat lunch with the family. And THHHHEN we had to hide in the house while they hide our eggs in the backyard! fuuuun we had a real easter egg hunt! i found 6 eggs by myself. rochelle was really bad at finding them. she only found 2. we wore our easter dresses and looked really nice all day long. it was a really good easter. and all the chocolate was so delicious. and everyone was so nice and happy.
[photo explanations:
1- theo hiding behind a flowering bush while searching for easter eggs
2- me searching for easter eggs
3- me after finding 2 easter eggs really quickly.
4- all of the adults eating and me and rochelle standing against the wall. only some of the french people here are actually important. the two women at the head of the table are. nannick is the older one. she owns the house and is our 'host mother.' she is nice but a bit insane. the woman next to her is marie-claire. she is nannick's daughter-in-law. she is married to jea.-francois [nannick's son] right now they are in the process of moving and so they and their two kids [phillipine and geoffry] are living with us. jean-francois is te man on the right side of the table in the black shirt with his elbow in the air. he is hilarious. everyone else is related to the family but isnt really important.
5- the american girls and our easter candy in rochelle's room on the floor. rochelle-emma-katie
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